1. Go to “Queue” at the top of the screen and Click on it
  2. Next click on  “Manage Queues” from the Queue 
  3. Your queue manager will appear with your three 550 queues
  4. You will need to change the “Port” in which the queues are printing to
    1. Default port is “File” you will need to change to TCP/IP or USB depending on how you are connected.
  5. When choosing TCP/IP for connection type:
    1. Click TCP/IP
    2. A window will pop up and start searching your network for printers
    3. Once iColor 550 or iColor 800 show up, click on it then click OK


550 shows up in this area. Click on it so it is Highlighted, then press OK at the bottom.


6. Now your “Port” will show TCP/IP and the IP address it is assigned to

7. You can now close the Queue Manager and start working with the ProRIP

  1. When choosing USB for connection type:
    1. Click on UniNet iColor 550v2_USB001+ or UniNet iColor 800v2_USB001+
      1. The USB001+ part could be different depending on what port your USB cable is plugged in to
    2. Your “Port” will now show UniNet iColor 550v2_USB001+
    3. Now you will be able to close the Queue Manager and be able to print from the RIP software.
  2. Running a Test Print after setting up the Queue Manager