To get the best color results it is important to be in the correct color mode within the Corel design software. We recommend designing in the CMYK color mode which can be selected when creating a new document in Corel.


After you have created your design in the CMYK color mode go to print the document. Once in the print menu you will see a number of options and tabs.

The first thing you will need to do is select the SC-F500 Series from the printer dropdown box


After you have the printer selected hit the preferences button.

The first thing to do here is to set the paper size. In order to preserve roll paper we recommend setting the size to just larger than the size of the image you are trying to print. We will use a 4in square design for reference. To set the paper size first select the settings button and then choose the document size option and set it to user defined and then select your orientation and hit ok.

 Next hit the “Custom Paper Size…” button and fill in the size settings so that it is just larger than your design and hit OK

Next make sure the source is set to the roll paper setting. (If you are using sheet paper, please refer to our guide on using sheet paper with this printer.) Then select the media type as it correspond to the paper you are using and the substrate you are sublimating.

Now you need to set the print quality and color handling from the printer. Uncheck the simple settings box and choose the “Off (no color adjustment)” option from the select target box. Color is being managed by Corel so we do not need the printer to do it.


Next a resolution needs to be selected.

For Rigid substrates your options are

  • Quality: recommended for most application
  • Max Quality: recommended for High resolution photo applications
  • Quality Options: gives you some control on setting your own quality but the defaults work well
  • You also have two check boxes for
    1. High Speed: select this when you don’t need as high of a quality of image
    2. Emphasize thin lines: select this when you have fine print or extremely fine detail you are trying to capture.

For Textile or fabric substrates your options are

  • Speed: Use this setting when detail is not overly critical. It will work with most textile applications as the nature of fabric typically does not allow for overly fine detail.
  • Quality: recommended for most application
  • Max Quality: recommended for High resolution photo applications
  • Quality Options: gives you some control on setting your own quality but the defaults work well
  • You also have two check boxes for
    1. High Speed: select this when you don’t need as high of a quality of image
    2. Emphasize thin lines: select this when you have fine print or extremely fine detail you are trying to capture. This setting typically won’t have an effect that is seen on fabric.


For rigid we recommend using the Quality setting without the High speed or emphasize thin lines features checked for most application.

For textile or fabric we recommend the quality setting with the high speed check box selected for most applications.

After all the printer settings have been selected it should look something like this



Hit ok and then navigate to the “Color” tab and setup as defined below

For the “Correct color using color profile:” setting chose either of the options below as it corresponds to the type of substrate you are sublimating.

Next make the decision on if you are trying to duplicate true colors or if you are trying to get deeper colors out of your design.

If you are looking to try to duplicate true colors use the “Rendering intent” of Relative colorimetric and then be sure to check the boxes to preserve color

If you are trying to get deeper colors chose the “Perceptual” setting for “Rendering intent” we recommend leaving off the “Preserve RBG numbers” if you chose this option.







When you have selected all the color setting it should look something like this

Hit apply and then print. A screen will pop up showing you a preview of the output verify everything looks correct from a layout and paper usage standpoint then hit print.

The cut line should be just above your design if you have your paper setting set up correctly.

Your printer should now be printing and you can retrieve your print.